Liquor Liability Insurance

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Many people do not think twice about buying a drink. However, if your business serves or sells liquor, then you need to think twice about liquor liability insurance coverage before it is too late.

Who Needs Liquor Liability Insurance?

Liquor liability coverage is designed to protect establishments that deal with liquor. This includes businesses that sell or serve liquor. However, it is worth noting that the coverage can also be used for any business that helps others with their liquor purchases. The following businesses are all required to have liquor insurance.
  • Restaurants
  • Bars
  • Nightclubs
  • Dram shops
  • Hotels
  • Arenas
  • More

The reason liquor liability insurance is required is because liquor is associated with negative outcomes. If a patron drinks too much at your establishment and gets into an accident, liquor liability coverage will protect you from any legal blow back. This insurance shields your business interests from the bad judgment of patrons.

What Is Covered By Affordable Liquor Liability Insurance?

Liquor liability coverage safeguards you in cases of personal injury and property damage. If the patron harms his or herself, you are protected. You are also covered if the patron causes personal injury to someone else while inebriated. Property damage could be your own, but it also includes damage done by patrons after they leave your facility.

If you operate a bar or club, you want assault and battery in your coverage. This insures you if patrons start a fight on the property. This also protects any security personnel who may have to handle or remove inebriated patrons.

Lastly, your coverage should provide support for legal fees. Even if a case against you is resolved, you may still have legal bills to handle. Your coverage offsets those costs.

Where Can I Get Liquor Liability Insurance in Tullahoma Tennessee?

For the most affordable liquor liability insurance in the Tullahoma area, be sure to consult with Lester, Greene, McCord and Thoma Insurance. Our affordable plans offer comprehensive coverage for all your home, life, auto and commercial insurance needs.

This content represents only brief statements that relate to coverages. Please consult your independent agent for specific coverages, conditions and exclusions, as well as information about other fine products from Lester, Greene, McCord and Thoma Insurance.
Top 5 Questions for Liquor Liability Insurance

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